You are here to reclaim yourself in motherhood…

to awaken the version of you who effortlessly embodies her innate wisdom.

You are finally ready to create a life that is nourishing and sustainable on every level—without needing endless self-care practices just to survive.

What if motherhood didn’t mean sacrificing your identity?

What if, instead, it was the doorway to your most potent self?

You feel it—the knowing that it’s time to break free from the thought patterns that keep you small, disconnected, and overwhelmed.

You are ready to value the full spectrum of emotions and release excessive fear, anger, guilt, shame, and resentment.

You are not alone, mama. I remember the moment I decided I was done, too—the moment I began to reclaim myself.

   Now, it is your turn.

Depth of the Feminine:

Reclaim Yourself in Motherhood


An intimate 8 month container for 10 mamas ready to explore
a new paradigm of motherhood
—one where you are deeply connected to your body, your desires, and your purpose.
This isn’t just another self-care program. 
It is an invitation to dive deep into the feminine psyche and integrate your shadow self to activate the wild, powerful woman who’s always been just beneath the surface.

IT MEEEEEEE. I am so in!

































so what actually happens
when you reclaim her?

You trade fear for faith, no longer second guessing
every decision —because you are grounded.

You prioritize pleasure, release guilt, and have healthy relationships because you honor your boundaries.

You trade grasping at constant control for intentional structure and rhythms that allow for ease and expansion.

You cultivate peace, your grief is valued, and you release resentments
that create stagnation and dis-ease.

You express your truth easily with effective communication
and clarity in your words.

You deeply trust your intuition over externally sourcing wisdom 
to make decisions aligned with your soul purpose.

You shine your light unapologetically,
instead of making yourself more palatable.

 You lean into connection with the collective and let yourself be held
—because you are part of a village.




…the missing piece in collective containers.


The foundation of this entire mentorship
centers around the integration process.

Every single month we spend time rewiring your brain
so you can actually implement what you learned.

Integration is where the magic happens.


month 1: body

ground into root energy, transform fear to wisdom & activate kidneys and spleen.


month 2: reclaim your pleasure

energy center exploration: sacral

shadow reclamation: guilt to pleasure

somatic integration: womb

month 3: reclaim your power

energy center exploration: solar plexus

shadow reclamation: shame to power

somatic integration: digest and detoxify

month 4: reclaim your peace

energy center exploration: heart

shadow reclamation: grief to love

somatic integration: breast health and immune support

month 5: reclaim your voice

energy center exploration: throat

shadow reclamation:  lies to truth

somatic integration: thyroid

and communication

month 6: reclaim your intuition

energy center exploration: 3rd eye

shadow reclamation: illusion to clarity

somatic integration: eyes and sinuses

month 7: reclaim your light 

energy center exploration: crown

shadow reclamation: attachment

to connection

somatic integration: brain

month 8: reclaim your village

energy exploration: generational healing

shadow reclamation: crone and sister

somatic integration: yin

When you are absolutely done with living any other way than completely aligned with your highest truth
…your guide appears.


“Sam is an absolute gift and she provides the most soft, nourishing, delicious, empowering space for everyone she works with. Reflecting on the retreat I attended some months ago I can see now how that time was such a turning point for me. She is so supportive, her work is so supportive and I have her to thank for the foundation she helped provide for my growth and nourishment.”


"Sam has been so amazing to work with and learn from. She is incredibly warm and validating, which is comforting. Her courses and program have tremendously helped me organize and accomplish my business goals. 
I am so appreciative of Sam's support, knowledge, and her influence on my confidence."


 "Sam creates an open and safe space. She is a knowledgeable and caring teacher. I was a regular participant in Sam's classes and always left feeling supported, nourished and refreshed.”


Sammi Rose

Mama of 2, and intentional space holder for the last decade. She shows you how to reclaim the self you were taught to suppress through a variety of shadow integration practices. She helps you learn how to awaken your innate feminine wisdom. Her degree is in the science of education because her passion for learning, creating, and facilitating runs soul deep. She has had the honor of leading over 800 students through individual client sessions, group classes, workshops, courses, and retreats. With over 1000 hours of integrative wellness education, her dynamic leadership abilities shine through in various modalities to provide a holistic and well rounded approach in supporting her clients.


Why invest in this program?

So you can learn how to slow the fuck down and live in alignment with your feminine rhythms.

10 women only for these 8 months.
To create a space for collective growth
and transformation,
but more importantly,
for unconditional friendship to blossom.

How does the program work?

1. Choose the payment plan that works for you and invest.

2. Dedicate a few hours a month for the practices/group call.

3. Ask questions, reflect, and communicate in the online group.


She has the kindest and most calming demeanor that makes you feel instantly comfortable. She is authentic and genuine, which makes her approach more powerful. Her perspective is SO refreshing and creates opportunity for connection way beyond the surface level - I absolutely love this about her. Her guidance helped me overcome challenges, empowered me to connect with myself, love who I am, and those around me on a deeper level than ever before.


"I love working with Sam. The space she holds is so sacred and transformative. She makes the body and mind feel safe and at ease, enabling deep and lasting healing. She is a medicine woman and the purest and realest."


 "She has a very calming presence and I always learn something new from her. Most notably to ‘relax the tongue’ which is so simple, yet makes such a significant difference. We were also pregnant and entered motherhood at the same time which was a beautiful connection.”

Women who have worked with Sam in her
hIgh level mentorships before say this…

I think it is the idea of embodiment that she shares. The support and level of vulnerability and true non judgment that I feel working with Sam, so subtle and so effortless, because it just lives in her. She doesn’t have to say too much or do too much. She doesn’t have to cram too much into an agenda. She does just enough in the softest way. What that creates is power in the subtleties. Sam is this powerful medicine woman. My nervous system feels like this is somewhere I belong.”

-Aubrey B.



$2997 (save $555)


  • 8 month mentorship including: 

    Weekly Telegram Check-in

    Monthly Energy Center Exploration

    Monthly Guided Shadow Reclamation

     Bi-Weekly Somatic Integration Sessions

     Monthly Creative Expression Practices

    Monthly Group Calls

    Private Online Community

  • E-Book of Seasonal Nutrient Dense Recipes inspired by Ayurveda, TCM, and metabolically supportive meals for hormone balance.
  • Moon Cycle Monthly Planner
  • Self-Guided Shadow Reclamation Meditation
  • Reflection Journal



(For 8 months)

  • 8 month mentorship including: 

    Weekly Telegram Check-in

    Monthly Energy Center Exploration

    Monthly Guided Shadow Reclamation

     Bi-Weekly Somatic Integration Sessions

     Monthly Creative Expression Practices

    Monthly Group Calls

    Private Online Community


    • Pay as you go
    • E-Book of Seasonal Nutrient Dense Recipes inspired by Ayurveda, TCM, and metabolically supportive meals for hormone balance.
    • Moon Cycle Monthly Planner
    • Self-Guided Shadow Reclamation Meditation
    • Reflection Journal